Monday 24 October 2016



Most people never think about what they want in their lives. They live without this knowledge or forethought and become victims of their own circumstance. Work is just about a job – to get by financially. Life becomes a series of issues like choosing to live somewhere because therent is cheap, never understanding how to be in relationships or becoming ineffectual parents. The list goes on and on. Within yourself there is a craving for more. Is it substance, contact or a deeper understanding of life? No one has ever introduced such people to the concept of endless possibility. “As a man thinketh, so is he.”

A major key to manifesting the life you want is to ponder what you want out of life. What is it that you want to do with your life? A good exercise is to take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the following questions:

Ø What is my deepest desire?
Ø What would I like to accomplish in my life?
Ø What would I like to accomplish this year?
Ø Where would I like to be in 5 years?
Ø Where would I like to be in 20 years?
Ø What am I good at?
Look into all areas of your life:
Ø Your profession
Ø Your relationships
Ø Your health
Ø Your financial situation
Ø How you have fun (how you spend your holidays)
Think back to your childhood:
Ø What were the toys you liked to play with?
Ø What were you interested in?
Ø What did you like best to play?
Ø What presents did you wish to receive for your birthday and Christmas?
Ø What did you dream of becoming in your future?

Ask your Closest Friends
Tell your friends that you want to re-evaluate your talents and you need an honest opinion from them. Make sure to ask your friends to be 100% honest with you. Allow them to take a fresh look at you and ask them to forget all about what you are doing professionally – keep it on a personal level.
Ø What do your friends think you are good at?
Ø What do they think your talents are?
Ø What do they recommend what you should do with your life?

Ask Yourself a Few Questions
Take a notebook and read through these questions. Make sure you open up your mind and allow these questions to solidify in your imagination. Don't take these questions too seriously, play with them and also write down what comes up spontaneously – these are sometimes the most profound answers.

These questions are designed to expand your consciousness out of the normal mindset. The best solutions are always found outside the normal realm of thinking. Remember, your mind is part of the collective consciousness; therefore you have access to all information. Your mind is connected to the infinite source of all existence.
Ø  What would you do if you had enough money not to work ever again?
Ø  What were your dreams when you were younger?
Ø  What do you think is impossible for you to do?
Ø  What would you do if you won five million dollars?
Ø  What would you do if this was the last day of your life?
Ø  What would you do if you couldn't fail?
Ø  What are your strengths and talents?
Ø  Do you have a wish but don't know how to fulfill it?
Ø  What do you admire most about others?
Ø  What would your ideal lifestyle look like?
Ø  What does success mean for you?
Ø  What makes you really happy?
Ø  Is there anything that needs to be invented?
Ø  What does a perfect day look like for you?
Ø  What would you do if there were no restrictions?
Ø  What really excites you?
Ø  What would you be honored and recognized for?
Ø  Where do you see your life in ten years?
Ø  If you were immortal, what would you do with your life?
Ø  What needs to change to make this a better world?
Ø  What would you do if you were Superman?
Ø  What are you proud of?
Ø  What would you do if you were the President?
Ø  What would you like to accomplish this year?

Ø  What would you do differently if you could start over again?

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