Tuesday 25 October 2016


Who Is Pulling Me?
As I lay on my bed, I felt as if someone was pulling me off  the  mattress  and  onto  my  knees.  It  was  a  strange sensation, but I felt it so strongly I couldn't resist.
There I was, in the darkness of that room, on my knees.
God wasn't  through with me yet,  and I  responded to His leading.
I knew what  I wanted to say,  but I didn't  quite know
how to ask for it. What I wanted was what that minister in
Pittsburgh had. I thought, "I want what Kathryn Kuhlman's
got."  I  wanted it  with every atom and fiber  within me.  I
hungered for what she was talking about— even though I
didn't understand it.
Yes, I knew what I wanted to say but didn't know how
to say it. So I decided to ask the only way I knew—in my
own simple words.
I  wanted to address  the Holy Spirit,  but I  had never
done that before. I thought, "Am I doing this right?" After
all, I'd never spoken to the Holy Spirit. I never thought He
was a person to be addressed. I didn't know how to start the
prayer, but I knew what was inside me. All I wanted was to
know Him the way she knew Him.
And  here  is  what  I  prayed:  "Holy  Spirit.  Kathryn
Kuhlman says you are her  friend." I slowly continued, "I
don't think I know you. Now, before today I thought I did.
But after that meeting I realize I really don't. I don't think I
know you."
And then, like a child, with my hands raised, I asked,
"Can I meet you? Can I really meet you?"
I  wondered,  "Is  what  I'm saying  right?  Should  I  be
speaking to the Holy Spirit like this?" Then I thought, "If
I'm honest in this, God will show me whether I'm right or
wrong." If Kathryn was wrong, I wanted to find out.
After  I  spoke to  the  Holy Spirit,  nothing  seemed  to
happen. I began to question myself, "Is there really such an
experience  as  meeting  the  Holy  Spirit?  Can  it  truly
My eyes were closed. Then, like a jolt of electricity, my
body began to vibrate all  over—exactly as it had through
the two hours I waited to get  into the church. It was the
same shaking I had felt for another hour once inside.
It was back, and I thought, "Oh. It's happening again."
But this time there  were no crowds.  No heavy clothes.  I
was just in my own warm room in my pajamas—vibrating
from my head to my toes.
I  was afraid to open my eyes.  This  time it  was as if
everything that happened in that service all rolled into one
moment.  I was shaking, but  at  the same time I again felt
that warm blanket of God's power wrapped all around me.
I felt as if I had been translated to heaven. Of course I
wasn't,  but  I  honestly  don't  believe  heaven  can  be  any
greater than that. In fact, I thought, "If I open my eyes, I'll
either be in Pittsburgh or inside the pearly gates."
Well,  after  a  time,  I  did  open  my  eyes,  and  to  my
surprise I  was right there in my same room.  Same floor.
Same pajamas.  But I was still  tingling with the power  of
God's Spirit.
When I  finally dropped off to sleep that  night,  I  still

didn't realize what had begun in my life.

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