Saturday 15 October 2016



This section proposes a framework to help guide the design and evaluation of environments that can optimize learning.  Drawing heavily on the three principles discussed above, it posits four interrelated attributes of learning environments that need cultivation.
1.      Schools and classrooms must be learner centered.
Teachers must pay close attention to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that learners bring into the classroom.  This incorporates the preconceptions regarding subject matter already discussed, but it also includes a broader understanding of the learner.
 For example:
•  Cultural differences can affect students’ comfort level in working collaboratively versus individually, and they are reflected in the background knowledge students bring to a new learning situation (Moll et al., 1993).
•  Students’ theories of what it means to be intelligent can affect their performance.  Research shows that students who think that intelligence is a fixed entity are more likely to be performance oriented than learning oriented—they want to look good rather than risk making mistakes while
learning. These students are especially likely to bail out when tasks become difficult. In contrast, students who think that intelligence is malleable are more willing to struggle with challenging tasks; they are more comfortable with risk (Dweck, 1989; Dweck and Legget, 1988).
Teachers in learner-centered classrooms also pay close attention to the individual progress of each student and devise tasks that are appropriate .Learner-centered teachers present students with “just manageable difficulties”—that is, challenging enough to maintain engagement, but not so difficult As to lead to discouragement.  They must therefore have an understanding Of their students’ knowledge, skill levels, and interests (Duckworth, 1987).


Attempts to use computer technologies to enhance learning began with the efforts of pioneers such as Atkinson and Suppes (e.g., Atkinson, 1968; Suppes and Morningstar, 1968).  The presence of computer technology in schools has increased dramatically since that time, and predictions are that this trend will continue to accelerate (U.S. Department of Education, 1994).
The romanticized view of technology is that its mere presence in schools will enhance student learning and achievement.  In contrast is the view that money spent on technology, and time spent by students using technology, are money and time wasted (see Education Policy Network, 1997).
Several groups have reviewed the literature on technology and learning and concluded that it has great potential to enhance student achievement and teacher learning, but only if it is used appropriately (e.g., Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1996; President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, 1997; Dede, 1998).
What is now known about learning provides important guidelines for uses of technology that can help students and teachers develop the competencies needed for the twenty-first century. The new technologies provide opportunities for creating learning environments that extend the possibilities of “old”—but still useful—technologies—books; blackboards; and linear, one-way communication media, such as radio and television shows—as well as offering new possibilities. Technologies do not guarantee effective learning, however.  Inappropriate uses of technology can hinder learning— for example, if students spend most of their time picking fonts and colors for multimedia reports instead of planning, writing, and revising their ideas. And everyone knows how much time students can waste surfing the Internet.
Yet many aspects of technology make it easier to create environments that fit the principles of learning discussed throughout this volume. Because many new technologies are interactive (Greenfield and Cocking, 1996), it is now easier to create environments in which students can learn by doing, receive feedback, and continually refine their understanding and build new knowledge (Barron et al., 1998; Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1993; Hmelo and Williams, 1998; Kafai, 1995; Schwartz et al., 1999).  The new technologies can also help people visualize difficult-to-understand concepts, such as differentiating heat from temperature (Linn et al., 1996).  Students can work with visualization and modeling software that is similar to the tools used in nonschool environments, increasing their understanding and the likelihood of transfer from school to nonschool settings. 
These technologies also provide access to a vast array of information, including digital libraries, data for analysis, and other people who provide information, feedback, and inspiration.  They can enhance the learning of teachers and administrators, as well as that of students, and increase connections between schools and the communities, including homes.
In this part we explore how new technologies can be used in five ways:

• bringing exciting curricula based on real-world problems into the classroom;
• providing scaffolds and tools to enhance learning;
• giving students and teachers more opportunities for feedback, reflection, and revision;
• building local and global communities that include teachers, administrators, students, parents, practicing scientists, and other interested people; and
• expanding opportunities for teacher learning.


Children differ from adult learners in many ways, but there are also surprising commonalities across learners of all ages.  In this chapter we provide some insights into children as learners.  A study of young children fulfills two purposes:  it illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of the learners who populate the nation’s schools, and it offers a window into the development of learning that cannot be seen if one considers only well-established learning patterns and expertise.  In studying the development of children, an observer gets a dynamic picture of learning unfolding over time.
A fresh understanding of infant cognition and of how young children from 2 to 5 years old build on that early start also sheds new light on how to ease their transition into formal school settings.

It was once commonly thought that infants lack the ability to form complex ideas.  For much of this century, most psychologists accepted the traditional thesis that a newborn’s mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa) on which the record of experience is gradually impressed.  It was further thought that language is an obvious prerequisite for abstract thought and that, in its absence, a baby could not have knowledge.  Since babies are born with a limited repertoire of behaviors and spend most of their early months asleep, they certainly appear passive and unknowing.  Until recently, there was no obvious way for them to demonstrate otherwise.
But challenges to this view arose.  It became clear that with carefully designed methods, one could find ways to pose rather complex questions about what infants and young children know and can do.  Armed with new methodologies, psychologists began to accumulate a substantial body of data about the remarkable abilities that young children possess that stands in stark contrast to the older emphases on what they lacked.  It is now known that very young children are competent, active agents of their own conceptual development.  In short, the mind of the young child has come to life (Bruner, 1972, 1981a, b; Carey and Gelman, 1991; Gardner, 1991; Gelman and Brown, 1986; Wellman and Gelman, 1992).


People who have developed expertise in particular areas are, by definition, able to think effectively about problems in those areas.  Understanding expertise is important because it provides insights into the nature of thinking and problem solving.  Research shows that it is not simply general abilities, such as memory or intelligence, nor the use of general strategies that differentiate experts from novices.  Instead, experts have acquired extensive knowledge that affects what they notice and how they organize, represent, and interpret information in their environment.  This, in turn, affects their abilities to remember, reason, and solve problems.
This chapter illustrates key scientific findings that have come from the study of people who have developed expertise in areas such as chess, physics, mathematics, electronics, and history.  We discuss these examples not because all school children are expected to become experts in these or any other areas, but because the study of expertise shows what the results of successful learning look like.  In later chapters we explore what is known about processes of learning that can eventually lead to the development of expertise.
We consider several key principles of experts’ knowledge and their potential implications for learning and instruction:
1. Experts notice features and meaningful patterns of information that not noticed by novices.
2. Experts have acquired a great deal of content knowledge that is organized in ways that reflect a deep understanding of their subject matter.
3. Experts’ knowledge cannot be reduced to sets of isolated facts or propositions but, instead, reflects contexts of applicability:  that is, the knowledge
is “conditionalized” on a set of circumstances.
4. Experts are able to flexibly retrieve important aspects of their knowledge with little attentional effort.
5. Though experts know their disciplines thoroughly, this does not guarantee that they are able to teach others.
6. Experts have varying levels of flexibility in their approach to new situations.



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Tuesday 11 October 2016


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