Saturday 8 October 2016


Classification of computers

1. In terms of manufacturer
v   Dell computers
v  HP computers
v  Toshiba Computers
v   Compaq computers
v   Hitachi computers
v   IBM computers
2. In terms of power and speed
v  A  supercomputer
v  Mainframe computers
v  Minicomputer
v  Workstations
v  Personal computer (PC)
v  Tablet Computer
3. In terms of data type/construction
v  Digital   computer
v  Analog computer
v  Hybrid computer
4. In terms of purpose/application
v  Special purpose/specific purpose computers
Eg. Personal/Digital Assistants.
      Network Computers.
     Computer system to operate a petrol pump.
     Automatic opening/closing of door.
v  General purpose computer
5.Classification according to size:
(Increasing in size)
- Notebook
- Laptop
–   Portable
–   Desktop
–   Mainframe
–   Supercomputers          
6. Classification-by use              
v  Home e.g., Desktops and Laptops
v  Personal e.g., PC
v  Professional e.g., mainframe
v  Workstation
v  Single user e.g., PC
v  Multi-user e.g., servers
7.Interms of generation/History
v  1st Generation(Vacuum tube technology)
v  2nd Generation( Transistors technology)
v  3rd Generation(Integrated Circuit technology)
v  4th Generation(Larger scales integrated (LSI) )