Saturday 22 October 2016


To develop an open mind, it’s essential to take an honest look at who you truly are. It’s a difficult question to answer. You may believe you know, but seldom do you truly know without outside input.  In 1955, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham developed the Johari Window, named for both their first names of Joseph and Harry.  The Johari Window helps you to better understand your personality.
The Window is made up of four panes, representing the four areas of personality.

      1.     Only You Know
That part of yourself that only you know

2. You Show to Others
That part of yourself that you know and share  with others

3. Only Others Know
That part of yourself that others see, but
that you are unaware of its existence

4. No One Knows
That part of yourself that no one knows — not  yourself or others

Quadrant #1 — Only You Know.  This is the area of yourself that you do not wish to disclose to anyone else. It’s the very private and vulnerable part of your personality that holds your fears and doubts. It holds any embarrassing or hurtful event that you did or has happened to you. You choose very carefully whom you allow to know this part of you, if anyone at all.
Quadrant #2 — You Show to Others. This is the area of your personality that you share with others in varying degrees, depending upon your trust level with each individual. You feel safe and confident with this part of your personality and the information contained in this quadrant. People are welcome here.
Quadrant #3 — Only Others Know. Though you may not be aware, there is a part of your personality, information about you, which other people know, but you do not. This quadrant holds that part of you. Such knowledge may be bad habits you do without knowing, such as the habit of biting your lip when you’re unsure of something.
Maybe, something like the follow example.
Dan didn’t realize until he was video taped that, when he speaks, hr looks like he’s waving down a freight train. He knew he used his hands for emphasis, but Dan never suspected that he used his hands to such an extent.
Knowledge in this quadrant also may be your potential. Sometimes, others see in us, what we don’t see in ourselves. These are just a few examples. So many things may reside in this quadrant for you.

Quadrant #4 — No One Knows.  This area holds any knowledge and potential that you or anyone else has yet to discover.  Science has proven that we use only a small portion of our brain’s capacity.  Some things from this quadrant, you will discover between now and when you leave this world. The majority of it, you will never know. The fourth quadrant also is the area where dreams are made real, where new theories are born, where new science is first thought and then discovered, and where creativity is given birth. New thought develops here. New ideas that change the world develop here. It’s the unknown part of you ... the creative part of you.

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