Friday 21 October 2016


What Solves Money Problems?
Financial intelligence solves money problems. In simple terms, financial intelligence is that part of our total intelligence we use to solve financial problems.
Some examples of very common money problems are:
1. “I don’t earn enough money.”
2. “I’m deeply in debt.”
3. “I can’t afford to buy a home.”
4. “My car is broken. How do I find the money to fix it?”
5. “I have $10,000. What should I invest in?”
6. “My child wants to go to college, but we don’t have the money.”
7. “I don’t have enough money for retirement.”
8. “I don’t like my job, but I can’t afford to quit.”
9. “I’m retired, and I’m running out of money.”
10. “I can’t afford the surgery.”

Financial intelligence solves these and other money problems. Unfortunately, if our financial intelligence is not developed enough to solve our problems, the problems persist. They don’t go away. Many times they get worse, causing even more money problems. For example, there are millions of people who do not have enough money set aside for retirement. If they fail to solve that problem, the problem will get worse, as they grow older and require more money for medical care. Like it or not, money does affect lifestyle and quality of life—as well as afford conveniences and hassle-free choices. The freedom of choice that money offers can mean the difference between hitchhiking or taking the bus . . . or traveling by private jet.

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