Friday 30 September 2016


       SEPTEMBER 2016
v  This paper consists of two sections.
v  Answer all questions in section A and any three questions from section B.
v  TIME 1:45HRS
1.      Define the following;
a)      Collaboration
b)     Indirect rule
c)      Association policy
d)     African resistance
e)      Carbon 14
2.      Briefly explain the following
a)      Majimaji war
b)      Settler agriculture
c)      Colonial social services
d)     Migrant labour
e)      First world war
3.      a) list down the causes and effects of mfecane war
b) Mention the reasons for the rise and fall of western sudanic states.
c) Outline the factors for the Ngoni migration and its effects
d) Mention the methods used by the British to occupy cape from the Dutch.
e) Discuss the reason for why deindustrization policy in Africa during colonial rule.
4.      a) How history reconstruct itself?
b) With the aid of East Africa map show clearly historical sites found in E. Africa
c) Explain for the prerequisites for Boer trek.
d) How did colonial government helped white’s settler in Kenya?
e) Explain the characteristics of colonial economy

5.      Identify seven factors which determined the variation of Agricultural sectors during the colonial period.
6.      The majimaji war of 1905-1907 in Tanganyika remain a symbol of the African struggle against colonial rule. Justify.
7.      Show the significance of pan-Africanism to African continent?
8.      Why British took slave trade as abominable trade by second half of 19th ?
9.      What major methods were used by the colonial power to consoridate the exploitation in their colonies?

10.  Political changes which have been taking place in African states since the second half of the 1980’s were a result of inevitable internal and external circumstances. Discuss .     

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