Friday 30 September 2016



i.           These paper consist of three sections A, B and C
ii.           Answer all questions from section A and B, and one question from section C
iii.           Except for diagram that must be drawn in pencil, all writing should be done in blue or black pen in your answer sheet provided

Answer all questions in this section

1.      For each of the item i. to x, choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
i.                    ………………. Is the power house of the cell in both plants and animals
a.       Cell body      b. chloroplast      c. Ribosome’s    d. Mitochondria   e. Nucleus
ii.                  One among of the following is not an excretory product
a.       Uric acid     b. urea    c. sweat    d. feaces   e. carbon dioxide
iii.                It  is a basic unit of hungs where gaseous exchange takes place
a.lung book    b.brochus   c.brochioles  d.trachea   e. alveolus
              iv.           which of the following are by products of photosynthesis
a.       Carbohydrates and water     b. Oxygen and water    c. energy and carbohydrates
d. carbohydrates and water         e. carbohydrates and carbon dioxide
v. Reptiles differ from birds because
a.       Reptiles do not lay egg while birds do
b.      Reptiles dorsal nerve cord while birds have ventral nerve cord
c.       Reptile are cold blooded while birds are warm blooded
d.      Reptiles have two chambered heart while birds have four chambered heart
e.       Reptile have scales while birds do not have scales
vii. How many cells are produced during meiotic cell division?
a.       Four     b. three  c. two    d. one    e. countless
viii. A term used to identify individual animal having male and female organ is
a.       Lesbian    b. hermaphrodite     c. monoecious   d. transgender       e. gay
ix. Hormone responsible for flight and fight
a.       Antidieretic hormone     b. aldosteron hormone    c. Lutenizing hormone     
d. prolactin hormone      e. adrenalin hormone

2.      Match the responses in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.
I.           They are termed as flat worms
II.           Have three pairs of walking legs
III.        Have mammary glang
IV.       Their bodies are made up of many hyphae
V.          They are unicellular prokaryotes                                    
VI.        They posses one pair of walking legs on each segment.
VII.      Posses four pair of walking legs
VIII.    Body is made up by cartilaginous skeleton
IX.     Numerous segment, each bear two pair of walking legs.
X.      Phylum which consists earth worm
      A.    Diplopoda
      B.     Amphibian
      C.     Annelida
      D.    Insecta
       E.     Platyhelminthes
       F.      Monera
      G.    Mammalia
      H.    Osteichthyes.
       I.       Crustacea
      J.       Aschelminthyes
     K.    Chondrichthyes
      L.     Arachnida
     M.   Chilolpoda
      N.    Proctista
      O.    fungi

Answer all questions in this section
Each question carries 8 marks except question three (3) and question six (6) which carry 6marks each
3.      a) Mention two main branches of biology
b) Briefly outline any five characteristics of living organisms
4.      a) What is the reflection action
b) Using a well labeled diagram, describe the pathway taken by reflex action
5.      (i) What do you understand by the term organic evolution
    (ii) Mention any four theories which explain the origin of life
6. Briefly explain any three evidences of evolution

7. Name parts of the alimentary canal where:
                                i.            Digestion of starch takes place
                              ii.            Absorption of the end products of digestion takes palace
8. (i)  Name the digestive juice produced by the pancreas
             (ii) Mention any two components of the digestive juice named in b(i) above.
(iii)     Mention any three disorders of the digestive system.

9.      a) What are the three major parts of the cell?
b)  State one function of each part named in (a) above
c) Tabulate two differences between plant cell and animal cell

Answer ONE (1) question from this section.

10.  Malaria is an endemic disease which is still a threat among African countries. Write an essay on Malaria basing on causes, mode of transmission, symptoms as well as prevention and control.
11.  Explain the function of the major parts of human skeleton.
12.  (a) Define the following terms as applied in genetics
                                        i.            Phenotype
                                      ii.            Genotype
                                    iii.            Dominant gene
                                    iv.            Recessive gene
                                      v.            Variation
          (b)Using the genetic diagrams, shows how two couple who are normal black skinned can give a child who is an albino.

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